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April Contest Winners and Answers

The April contest required your precision mouse skills and your knowledge of AIO.  Our winners were Shadow Paw and Joshua Matlack!  Congratulations!  You both won your choice of an AIO tape or hat.  (Both entries were perfect!)

Check out the answers

Here were the Rules:

The April Contest on the AIO HQ will consist of three stages. Each stage will depend on the completion of the stage before it, i.e.: in order to complete Stage 3 you must complete Stage 1 and 2. You may begin Stage 1 at any time after 11:00am EST on April 1st. If you can complete Stage 1 you will be given a "Secret Ticket" Number, this Number must be used to access Stage 2 & 3 - Don't lose it!

Stage one will start on April 1st. Stage 2 on April 9th and Stage 3 on April 16th. The Contest will close on April 22nd at 11:59pm EST. You may enter at any time, up through the end of the Contest, but entering late means you will still have to complete all 3 stages to finish the contest.

The Winner is the single person(or Family) who submits all three Stage entries, with correct answers, and a single Ticket Number. Multiple Ticket Number's will be disqualified, and only 1 person per household may enter.