
1991 Reviews

139: Melanie's Diary

Episode Information

Review by SCWoody:

It isn't as funny, interesting or exciting as some episodes, and is one of those old heard-it-all before plots. It's not bad, just not good.

Rating: 2 1/2 stars (out of four).

Review by Dan Shane:

SECOND OPINION REVIEW: Melanie's Diary may sound a little worn out, (who hasn't seen a sitcom with this plot twenty times) but the obvious chemistry between Robyn and her sister is excellent - it is not only believable, but it sounds just like my family. In fact, the entire story is understandable - no one does things that are abnormal, people say things we can relate with, and we don't have to suspend belief. The auditorium speech/book report scene is very well done. I liked this story from the very first time I heard it.

Rating: 4 Stars out of 5

141: Over the Airwaves

Episode Information

Review by Dave:

I was really looking forward to this one, but I find it quite boring. The skit with Jimmy and Donna is okay, but I hate those wild west stories.

Rating: 7 1/2 stars (out of ten).

143: Muckraker

Episode Information

Review by Dave:

This one teaches a lesson in a real painful way. Which is good, because the lesson is easy to understand. I found this one quite boring, and it is not a good mystery.

Rating: 7 stars (out of ten).

144: Someone to Watch Over Me

Episode Information

Review by SCWoody:

An excellent episode in my opinion. Great sound effects, exciting plot and the ending is really good.  I think although it's far fetched, it's a lot more believable in a way than Blackgaard's world domination attempts.

Rating: 3 1/2 stars

Review by Dave:

This one really tears you at the heart. I did prefer the video more, though. And the sound and music were great in this episode.

Rating: 8 1/2 stars (out of ten)

145: The Second Coming

Episode Information

Review by Dan Shane:

The Second Coming confronts an issue many of us grapple with - will we be ready when Jesus comes again? Melanie's fanatical devotion to her formula, Robyn's cynical appraisal of the situation, the parents dilemma and another glimpse at Whit's past make a great story.
Rating: 4 Stars out of 5

Review by Dave:

I thought that this sort of "kids type of life" episode would be too boring. I was wrong. The laughs were so great when Dale told Whit about Melanie hanging up the posters. It also teachers a great lesson.

Rating: 8 stars (out of ten)

146: Emotional Baggage

Episode Information

Review by Dan Shane:

Emotional Baggage is thought-provoking to be sure, but a little under-played. This story could have been made into something much better than what it is. That said, it is interesting, touching, and even funny at times. And it also gives us a glimpse into what really happened to Connie's dad. Can any of us really blame Connie for feeling the way she did? Also, the game played by Whit and the others is rather interesting—does anyone actually understand how it's played? Did Connie not have a choice to get feathers instead of bricks? Oh, well. A nice, though somewhat forgettable episode.

Rating: 3 Stars out of 5

Review by Dave:

Look at the poor rating I gave it! I found this episode didn't teach us enough and sound like some of the old episodes. (Like...Connie comes to town) The rather interesting game, was a great game, but that was the only real highlight in this episode.

Rating: 6 1/2 stars ( out of ten)

147: Where There's a Will...

Episode Information

Review by Dave:

Another great Barclay adventure! Were they really going to move them? Another great episode with another great lesson.

Rating: 8 1/2 stars (out of ten)

148: Isaac the Procrastinator

Episode Information

Review by Dan Shane:

Isaac The Procrastinator, yet another Isaac misadventure, features perhaps one of the most relevant issues dealt with on this album: laziness. It's execution is well done. Whit and Isaac play their parts well.'s boring. The story is that Isaac is confronted by his laziness in a rather unique way, and learns his lesson. No twists, no turns, and definitely no excitement...good maybe for 6-year-olds.

Rating: 2 Stars out of 5

Review by Dave:

This is an okay episode. Though I thought the scene when Whit gave Isaac the "cure" had really weird music and speaking.

Rating: 7 1/2 stars (out of ten)

151: ...The Last Shall Be First

Episode Information

Review by Dave:

I wasn't really looking forward to this one, but I thoroughly enjoyed it when I heard it. A bit humorous, and a bit puzzling, it remains as a great lesson learnt.

Rating: 8 stars (out of ten)

152: The Meaning of Sacrifice

Episode Information

Review by Dave:

Another great Jimmy and Donna episode. Maybe one of the best. No promises. Really funny.

Rating: 7 1/2 stars (out of ten)

153: Mayor for a Day

Episode Information

Review by Dave:

The best Curt one out there. I wish it hadn't been a day-dream. No Whit's End. Cool!

Rating: 9 stars (out of ten)

154: Coming of Age

Episode Information

Review by Dave:

Goodbye kid. Hello adult. This is a great way to teach this lesson. The music was very delightful.

Rating: 7 1/2 stars (out of ten)

155: Waylaid in the Windy City, Part 1
156: Waylaid in the Windy City, Part 2 

Episode Information

Review by Nathan Hoobler:

Waylaid in the Windy City is my favorite episode of Adventures in Odyssey. I have loved it since this very first time I listened to it and still love it every time I pop it in the player or hear it on the radio. It has such spectacular interaction of characters, a well-built and brought out plot, great dialog (especially from Maxwell and Blackgaard), and many unexpected twists.

I hope I won’t give anything away by saying Blackgaard is in this one. After we have an entire scene with Blackgaard (and even heard his laugh), Chris comes on to say, "Who is this stranger?" as if any one in the audience did not know. Blackgaard’s voice and demeanor are so noticeable that he comes to light nearly the moment he speaks.

In this first part, incidents begin slowly. Whit and Connie are stopped at the airport. There is a strange incident on the bus. They see news on the television. It’s all brought out slowly and surely. Then comes the introduction of everybody’s favorite villain, perfectly introduced still with his cat at his side. The second installment has more action and more "old friends" jumping out from the wings. Not only does this episode tie up a few loose ends from Blackgaard’s first interlude in Odyssey, it sets the stage for many more developments to come and finally reassures us of Maxwell’s conversion.

The sound effects are top-notch on this episode as well. Pay close attention when Whit and Connie are outside the airport or during the parade. It sounds like you are there because the sounds are so convincing and even "three-dimensional". Make sure you listen to this album with headphones or surround sound to get the full effect. The music is very different from anything we have heard in AIO before and is a definite addition to the tension of the plot.

Overall, truly THE Adventures in Odyssey classic story.

Rating: 4 stars

Review by Dan Shane:

Waylaid in the Windy City is perhaps the best AIO ever - right up there with The Search For Whit and the entire "Darkness Before Dawn" album. The plot turns are well-thought out; there aren't any very obvious gaps of logic and the sound design is superb. However, what makes is shine is the acting - Kelly's cowering subordination, Maxwell's stunt with the gun, and of course Blackgaard's manipulatory cleverness. Bravo!

Rating: 5 Stars out of 5

157: Last in a Long Line

Episode Information

Review by Dave:

It sounded good! It let out some information about Eugene and how he is related to Bernard. I wish they had told us more about that. Very touching. Very well done.

Rating: 7 1/2 stars (out of ten)

158: A Day in the Life

Episode Information

Review by Dave:

This is one of the best episodes out there. I liked how Whit narrated it. It was too funny.

Rating: 8 1/2 stars (out of ten)

165: Bernard & Esther, Part 1
166: Bernard & Esther, Part 2

Episode Information

Review by Emily Hoobler:

I think that this episode is one of my favorite Odysseys, probably because Esther is my favorite story in the Bible.  I think that it explains it well and seems like it's really happening.  There are still some things I'm not quite sure on.  For example, at the beginning, Whit says that the Imagination Station won't be running for a couple of weeks, but by the end of the story, he says it's already finished.  I think that the actors' voices fit in well with their parts.

175: East Winds, Raining

Episode Information

Review by Audrey:

Fairly amusing episode. East Winds Raining deals with Connie's uncle Joe telling her his story of what went on at Pearl Harbor.  While the episode was historically correct, I felt that it could have been a little better.

Rating: 2 3/4 stars out of 5